Blog (10 of 14)
Markup in translations?
Different markup in different types of contents in each webapplication. Which markup should be used for static contents?
Saturday, 22 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image bitmap formats
Another extract from my article series about image creation with PHP. Image formats are often used in the wrong way. Read on to learn about them, to use the right in the future..
Thursday, 20 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Comparison of PHP image libraries - Update
An update of my speed and quality comparison of PHP image libraries, this time including the iMagick2 package from pecl.
Thursday, 20 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Kaffeeservice & Bügelbrett
Mein Bruder hat eine interessante, lustige und zugleich schockierende Geschichte aufgetan und gerade in seinem Blog publiziert. Ein anonymer Edit auf Wikipedia mit falschen Fakten schlägt sich unreflektiert und unrecherchiert in zahlreichen "etablierten" Medien, wie in Spiegel, Welt, Stern und taz, nieder. Mehr Details dazu gibt es im Blog meines Bruders...
Monday, 17 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Comparision of PHP image libraries
A comparision of speed and output quality of PHP libraries for image creation.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Published article "Image creation with PHP"
I just published a article series on "Image creation with PHP" as my personal christmas present to the PHP community. This is a full guide, covering several libraries (DOM/SVG, Cairo, Ming/Flash, GD) and all the important topics. Read on for details...
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image creation with PHP
There are several ways to create images or graphics with PHP. First there are some well known extensions, like ext/GD, or perhaps ext/ming everybody immediately remembers, when it comes to graphics generation. But there are several structural differences not in between the avaliable libraries, but also between the image formats you can create. This article series will give you some insight on the formats and libraries, and then shows how an abstraction layer could be build. This sixth part of the article finally covers additional tool classes which will proof helpful during image creation.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image creation with PHP
There are several ways to create images or graphics with PHP. First there are some well known extensions, like ext/GD, or perhaps ext/ming everybody immediately remembers, when it comes to graphics generation. But there are several structural differences not in between the avaliable libraries, but also between the image formats you can create. This article series will give you some insight on the formats and libraries, and then shows how an abstraction layer could be build. This fifth part of the article covers the complex topic of text rendering with all the backends.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image creation with PHP
There are several ways to create images or graphics with PHP. First there are some well known extensions, like ext/GD, or perhaps ext/ming everybody immediately remembers, when it comes to graphics generation. But there are several structural differences not in between the avaliable libraries, but also between the image formats you can create. This article series will give you some insight on the formats and libraries, and then shows how an abstraction layer could be build. This second part describes the generation of shapes and the basic drawing context.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image creation with PHP
There are several ways to create images or graphics with PHP. First there are some well known extensions, like ext/GD, or perhaps ext/ming everybody immediately remembers, when it comes to graphics generation. But there are several structural differences not in between the avaliable libraries, but also between the image formats you can create. This article series will give you some insight on the formats and libraries, and then shows how an abstraction layer could be build. This third part of this article makes the images a bit more colorful, by providing support for gradients in the graphics.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image creation with PHP
There are several ways to create images or graphics with PHP. First there are some well known extensions, like ext/GD, or perhaps ext/ming everybody immediately remembers, when it comes to graphics generation. But there are several structural differences not in between the avaliable libraries, but also between the image formats you can create. This article series will give you some insight on the formats and libraries, and then shows how an abstraction layer could be build. This first part of this article describes the various image formats and backends.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞ -
Image creation with PHP
There are several ways to create images or graphics with PHP. First there are some well known extensions, like ext/GD, or perhaps ext/ming everybody immediately remembers, when it comes to graphics generation. But there are several structural differences not in between the avaliable libraries, but also between the image formats you can create. This article series will give you some insight on the formats and libraries, and then shows how an abstraction layer could be build. This fourth part of this article, which describes the integration of bitmaps with the various backends.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007Read more ➞
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