Blog (1 of 14)
Remote First: Never meet in person?
Does remote-first or remote-native mean that you'll never meet your peers in person? I certainly diagree. But you'll meet intentionally and usually this'll mean intense and productive collaboration.
Wednesday 15 March 2023Read more ➞ -
Product development is not Open Source development
The most visible software development is the Open Source community and many developers (including myself) have learned work and software patterns there. I'm convinced though that those patterns differ significantly from developing a SaaS product and that you should pay attention to these differences. My key take away is: Be careful when changing the surface, but stay flexible on the inside.
Tuesday 21 February 2023Read more ➞ -
Understand your ideal customer profile
In my previous companies I've never even heard about the ideal customer profile (ICP) but this helpd me (and also other members of the founder and product teams) a lot when priotizing and making decisions in general. What is this and how does it affect the technology stack?
Tuesday 14 February 2023Read more ➞ -
Delegation is hard, but this might help you
How do you learn to delegate and learn what to delegate when? And when are you still allowed to do something by yourself and, for a moment, delay transfering knowledge to your teams? How to make sure all relevant knowledge about the stack is transferred to right people, so that your teams are able to take responsibility for those components in the future.
Tuesday 7 February 2023Read more ➞ -
Software architecture and product market fit
Which software architectural principles are important when funding a SaaS product company and how to adapt it to the change you'll see in your product?
Tuesday 31 January 2023Read more ➞ -
Focus time for developers and everybody else
Everybody knows that focus time is important especially for individual contributor levels. But also in a management role I value focus time a lot for strategic work, research, analysis, and sometimes even just to be able to process all input and reflect on what the current state and bigger picture are. How to achieve this and combine this with nobody being blocked because of missing information in remote environments?
Tuesday 24 January 2023Read more ➞ -
When to use microservices
While we are beyond the peak of the hype curve an often asked question still is about when to create microservices. Let me share what I use as a decision base.
Tuesday 17 January 2023Read more ➞ -
Frontastic Becomes Part of commercetools
Frontastic becomes part of commercetools – I am really happy to be part of this journey and continue as the CTO Composable Frontend Platform in our joint venture.
Friday 19 November 2021Read more ➞ -
How to Refactor Your Legacy Code: A Decision Matrix
When you are beginning to consider refactoring your big legacy codebase towards a new software design, then it is not uncommon to feel helpless after estimating this to be a huge terrifying 2-5 years project. To help solve the problem of not knowing where and how to begin, we have had great success using a decision matrix to decide how each part of the legacy code should be changed in such a refactoring project. Two main factors should influence your refactoring decisions…
Tuesday 28 November 2017Read more ➞ -
Injectables vs. Newables
Many projects I join - even those that claim to already do dependency injection - suffer from issues that result from mixing injectable and newable classes. Keeping these two appart seems to be challenging for many developers so that I try to give them a handy guide with Do's and Dont's in this blog post.
Tuesday 24 October 2017Read more ➞ -
Checklist For A Reliable Load-Test
Setting up a load-test that produces results you can rely on is not that simple. But without realistic test-results you cannot be sure that your application handles sudden increases of traffic, rapid spikes or even the initial go-live. And you cannot estimate at which number of users you should scale up your hardware. Both details are very important to keep the application running at all times and guarantee that no revenue or developer sleep is lost because of outages. We have a large checklist of points we go through when setting up performance tests with customers and I wanted to discuss some of the more important points in this blog post.
Tuesday 26 September 2017Read more ➞ -
Why Apache Benchmark Is Not Enough
You are working for months on a new web application or e-commerce system and usually a few weeks or just days before the launch a complete enough feature set is running on a production-like system so that you can run a realistic load-test. Hopefully providing you with accurate picture of the performance of your future system. What should you do, and why is Apache Benchmark usually not sufficient?
Tuesday 5 September 2017Read more ➞
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