Blog (14 of 14)
The call for papers for the PHP talk track for the FrOSCon ends next week. If you want to propose a talk do it now ;-).
Friday, 26 May 2006Read more ➞ -
Image_3D performance
A friend had a license for the ZendGuard, so that we tried the optimizing features with Image_3D, to test the performance benefits.
Thursday, 11 May 2006Read more ➞ -
Raytracing with Image_3D
The last two days I tested how fast raytracing would be, and which nice effects could be done with this algorithms.
Tuesday, 4 April 2006Read more ➞ -
Driver SVG_Control & subdivision surfaces
My brother finished the first revision of his Image_3D driver SVGControl and I added subdivision surfaces to Image_3D.
Thursday, 23 March 2006Read more ➞ -
Updated video file
I updated the spotlight video example because I heard some couldn't play the old one.
Monday, 20 March 2006Read more ➞ -
New Image_3D release
I just released a new version of Image_3D. The main improvement is the new API for lights, which allows to create different types of lights, like spotlights, or ambient lights.
Sunday, 19 March 2006Read more ➞ -
Image_Turtle & Image_Curve
While learning for a lecture in computer science which covers several algorithms on graphic manipulation I implemented some of the algorithms for personal education and these are the results...
Sunday, 12 March 2006Read more ➞ -
Pimp my website log
I pimped the output of visitors to create SVG graphs, which are far more beautiful and better readable then the standard html or text output.
Wednesday, 1 March 2006Read more ➞ -
New k.Bot release
I just released k.Bot 3.3.2, because Martin managed to fix the bug with MySQL 5. The bot should run again with each version of MySQL.
Sunday, 19 February 2006Read more ➞ -
Website relaunch
I finally got my website relaunched with several features I promised for quite some time now, like the bugtracker and module library for k.Bot.
Saturday, 18 February 2006Read more ➞
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