Thomas Weinert now has a blog

First published at Monday 13 August 2007

Warning: This blog post is more then 17 years old – read and use with care.

Thomas Weinert now has a blog

Thomas Weinert - technical director of the papaya CMS, and a known member of the german PHP scene - now has a blog with PHP and papaya related contents. He already blogged about several interesting topics like using lighttpd with papaya and managing file delivery with PHP.

Most of you probably know him because of his knowledge in PHP, XSLT, regular expressions and his attendance on several PHP conferences the last years, or the german books about PHP he wrote. We are glad to welcome him also at the PHP room on the FrOSCon this year, where he will give a talk about "Generating PDF using XSLT and FPDF". So if you are interested in any of those topics I encourage you to read his blog.

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