Released PHPillow 0.2-alpha
First published at Sunday 17 August 2008
Warning: This blog post is more then 17 years old – read and use with care.
Released PHPillow 0.2-alpha
CouchDB 0.8.1-alpha has just been released, and so I am doing a second release of PHPillow. The test suite runs just fine against this version of CouchDb. Thanks to the CouchDB team for its awesome work on this new and refreshing kind of database and really helpful attitude. The changes in PHPillow compared to the last version, are:
- Implemented: Trigger CouchDBs ID autogeneration, when ID generator returns
- Implemented: Store new documents, even no properties were set.
- Implemented: Integer validator
- Implemented: Array response for CouchDB database listings
- Implemented: Script to backup and restore database independant from CouchDBs
storage file format.
The backup script has not really been tested yet, so use it with care. The actual CouchDB source code again has a unit test code coverage of 96.74%.
The release is now available on the PHPillow project page on this site, and I am looking forward to your remarks.
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