Released first arbit development snapshot

First published at Wednesday 22 October 2008

Warning: This blog post is more then 17 years old – read and use with care.

Released first arbit development snapshot

Arbit aims to provide a decent modern extensible multi project tracking tool. For the scope of this software, and the current state please read the release announcement on the arbit homepage.


harald at Wednesday, 22.10. 2008

yes!!! i was about to start my own tracking tool (couchdb backed of course ;)) because i am so unsatisfied with the other tools around. arbit looks very interesting and promising -- maybe i can save my time now for other tasks. that's great.

kore at Wednesday, 22.10. 2008

Actually you should not save your time for other tasks but help us to develop arbit to fit yours and others requirements. The more help we receive the faster will it be in a really usable shape, and not only a "development snapshot".

If you want to participate check the roadmap for possible work:

Mike Willbanks at Wednesday, 22.10. 2008

I will certainly be checking this out. I had started a project such as this but never really had the time to finish it. I am now transitioning to a new job and will have more time and was going to continue development.

The main area many of these items lack in is a release management process in which I have been taking quite a bit of analysis to.

I'll likely be installing this at some point in the near future to check it out a bit more.

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