PHP @ FrOSCon 2009 CfP started

First published at Saturday, 25 April 2009

Warning: This blog post is more then 15 years old – read and use with care.

PHP @ FrOSCon 2009 CfP started

The last year the PHP Usergroup Dortmund organized a PHP subconference at the Free and Open Source Conference (FrOSCon) in St. Augustin, near Bonn, Germany. This year another project, Java, will do this, to emphasize the diversity of open source projects and communities.

This year we will organize a PHP room for the third time, like in 2006 and 2007. We hope that we can keep up with the amazing conferences from the last years, and we expect it to be a wonderful open source event again. We would love to welcome you in the PHP room, either giving a talk, or just for a chat or listening.

We are looking for speakers right now by starting the Call for Papers (CfP), which will end at the 23.05.2009 - please submit your talks. The talks will be listed in the main schedule, but we do not know yet, if we will be able to offer you the full speaker service, yet. You will get free entrance to the conference, but we probably won't be able to cover your travel expenses or accommodation costs.

You might also want to submit talks to the main schedule of the conference, which also accepts PHP related talks. For talks in the main conference your costs will be covered as usual, details are on the dedicated website.

More details, as always on You might want to follow @tobySen or me (@koredn) on twitter for updates. Important updates will also be blogged, of course.

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